
 ー 西園寺 昌美著 「次元上昇ー地球の進化と人類の選択」より













書籍 「次元上昇」 西園寺 昌美 著

Refined Thought Process ④
 ー Written by Masami Saionji

Wiping Away Past Bitter Experiences

 Deep within the heart, struggles, anger, dissatisfaction, sorrow, lamentation, hatred, jealousy, discrimination, inferiority, loneliness, and various other negative thoughts are deeply and strongly ingrained. The task of gently detaching each of these negative notions from the crevices of the heart and eradicating them is a challenge bestowed upon every individual.

 These accumulated past bitter experiences within the heart are the very causes that derail a person's life. We must remove these painful, detestable past experiences from our heart as soon as possible. As long as these painful and loathsome memories remain in our hearts, misfortunes continuously befall our destiny. This is because even the slightest connection, opportunity, motive, information, conversation, or encounter can bring back memories of unhappiness.

 When confronted with various situations, environments, and circumstances, these heavy, abhorrent, and dark thoughts that have been lying dormant in our hearts surge into our conscious minds, abruptly driving feelings of anxiety and fear. Immature imagination amplifies a negative image of a future that has yet to occur, further feeding our fears. Moreover, immature thinking provides even more energy to these imagined images, sustaining and magnifying them.

 This immature imagination stems from past experiences. Ideally, these unfortunate past experiences should have been cleansed, eradicated, and purified by oneself. However, those who are entirely naive to the truth are influenced by these negative thoughts that have been stored in their hearts. Worse still, until these burdensome past experiences are erased and purified, unforeseen triggers will continuously bring about feelings of anxiety and fear. They manifest through various circumstances and scenarios.

 The heavy, detestable, unhappy past experiences deeply etched in our hearts are the root causes of anxiety and fear. The persistence of these feelings is proof that various negative and dark emotional thoughts from past experiences have not disappeared.

 If they had completely vanished, no matter the situation, environment, or condition, feelings of anxiety and fear would never emerge. Even if negative and dark circumstances attempt to provoke feelings of anxiety and fear, the immature imaginative and thinking powers do not activate. Instead, mature imagination and thinking take over.

 This mature imagination and thinking can negate and dismiss all negative and dark thoughts associated with any situation, environment, or condition.

 With the power of mature imagination, we can envision a life filled with radiant, infinite happiness, prosperity, and joy. The mature thinking adds force to this imagination, pouring energy into it, and brilliantly manifesting a life as radiant as envisioned.

 Hence, it's crucial for individuals to transition from immature to mature imagination and thinking without delay.

 To do this, one must continually engage in the "Praying for World Peace through Disappearing" and thoroughly cleanse the heart of negative thoughts. One's heart must always be anchored in a world of unified brightness.

 Doing so will undoubtedly unfold a brand-new, astonishing, and enviable radiant life for you. This is because it is an absolute truth and a universal law.
