完成された思考力③  後半

完成された思考力③  後半
 ー 西園寺 昌美著 「次元上昇ー地球の進化と人類の選択」より









書籍 「次元上昇」 西園寺 昌美 著

Refined Thought Process ③ PartⅡ
 ー Written by Masami Saionji

 Even an omnipotent god cannot erase and cleanse memories on our behalf. This is because the source of our misfortune isn't anyone else, but our own immature thoughts and imagination. Only by seeking the absolute truth can one erase memories of past painful experiences and fully purify them.

 The easiest way to achieve this is through Goi-sensei's absolute truth of "Praying for World Peace through Disappearing." This teaching is profound, and with persistent practice, one can surely grasp its essence.

 This "Praying for World Peace through Disappearing" is clearly indicated in the doctrine "How man should reveal his inner self":

 "Man is originally a spirit from God, and not a karmic existence.

  He lives under the constant guidance and protection provided by his Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits.

  All of man's sufferings are caused when his wrong thoughts conceived during his past lives up to the present manifest in this world in the process of fading away.

  Any affliction, once it has taken shape in this phenomenal world, is destined to vanish into nothingness. Therefore, you should be absolutely convinced that your sufferings will fade away and that from now on your life will be happier.

  Even in any difficulty, you should forgive yourself and forgive others; love yourself and love others. You should always perform the acts of love, sincerity and forgiveness and thank your Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits for their protection and pray for the Peace of the world. This will enable you as well as mankind to realize enlightenment."

 This absolute truth releases us from self-imposed constraints, and it resonates profoundly within our hearts. Upon reading this truth, anyone will feel a surge in their soul.

 Though it may seem easy to understand at first glance and seems simple to implement, to truly build a bright future with your own imagination, you must thoroughly grasp its content and put it into action. If it remains just an idea, your life remains unchanged. Even if you understand it in your mind or heart, you must experience and overcome every challenge with strong will to truly grasp the truth. Mere concepts will never change one's life.
