ー 西園寺 昌美著 「次元上昇ー地球の進化と人類の選択」より
Refined Thought Process ⑥
ー Written by Masami Saionji
Living with a perfected imagination in peace
The greatest suffering for humans is anxiety and fear. These feelings of anxiety and fear never have substance. They can be said to be products of the imagination.
However, one should never underestimate this power of imagination. Every material thing has been brought into existence in this life through imagination. If all of humanity lacked imagination, we would never have seen the flourishing of material civilization and culture as we do now. The material prosperity and abundance we see today, where everyone benefits from materialistic progress, are products of this imagination.
If this imagination is immature, it produces anxiety and fear, and as a result, misfortune, calamity, and sickness emerge. On the other hand, if the imagination is perfected, it leads to beneficial inventions and discoveries in the world, bringing infinite happiness, prosperity, health, and joy.
It can be said that the purpose, the divine mandate in this life, is for every human being to transition as swiftly as possible from immature thinking and imagination to a perfected thinking and imagination.
The future of humanity won't change unless every individual changes fundamentally and completely right now. Yet, few genuinely desire to change from their core. Most change only superficially.
The slogan "May peace Prevail on Earth," advocated by Master Goi, doesn't mean that all humanity should merely live peacefully. It means humanity should "live" in peace.
Living in peace implies a state where there are no wars, no racial discrimination, no sickness, no poverty, no hunger, and everything is sufficiently balanced and stable. However, can we equate living in peace with genuinely living peaceably? No. "Living in peace" refers to a materialistic and superficial state of stability. "Living" in peace points to a spiritual, internal way of living. Even if humans can live in peace, unless every individual eradicates discontentment from their heart, they can't truly "live" in peace. If hatred, resentment, sadness, and anger reside within, genuine peace is unattainable. One might achieve living in peace, but not truly living in it.
There's a significant difference between these two states. While many hope for world peace and aspire to live in peace, their passion is not necessarily for truly "living" in peace. Their intense desire is for a materialistically peaceful existence. Still, this aspiration, even if not rooted in true peace, is more positive than a life not seeking peace at all.
The majority of people are in pursuit of individual peace, happiness, success, prosperity, and health. Only a few genuinely wish for world peace, but even that is limited to wanting a peaceful living condition for all humanity. Truly "living" in peace is the path to genuine enlightenment for both individuals and humanity as a whole.