ー 五井昌久著 「自然 大生命の絵巻1」より
Autumn Wind
ー Written by Masahisa Goi
The wind has a color. The color of spring, the color of summer, the color of autumn, the color of winter.
Is it the seasons that carry the wind, or the wind that carries the seasons? Roses bloom, lilies bloom, dahlias bloom, and then, with each gust of wind, they scatter away.
Now, in the garden of the autumn wind, bush clovers and cosmos are in bloom. Both the bush clovers and the cosmos have colors appropriate for blooming amidst the autumn wind.
The autumn wind infuses clear colors into the human minds that had loosened in the summer warmth, demanding sober reflection. The autumn wind turns all humans into poets and philosophers.
When the autumn wind starts to blow, people suddenly start thinking about the future. About the winter, about the New Year, even about old age. The autumn wind somehow makes people ponder.
The human heart is mysterious. When you delve into it, various things emerge. If one lives carelessly, things that emerge from within oneself will pass without being put to any use. But, if one puts their heart into every word, everything that emerges can be used to better oneself, truly enhancing one's life.
The autumn wind warns of the coming winter and makes humans realize that their later years await.
For those constantly pursued by money, work, and other matters, the autumn wind warns to self-reflect.
There is no one more pitiable than those who live without self-reflection. They, without ever truly knowing anything about themselves, must close their chapter in this world.
Just as there are spring, summer, autumn, and winter in the seasons, so too are there in human life.
Those who waste their spring cannot thrive in summer. Those who spend their summer in idleness cannot grow in autumn. And those who do not contemplate in autumn cannot truly live in the winter of their later years.
I stood in the garden rustled by the autumn wind, gazing up at the perfectly clear sky.
Heaven and Earth, and the existence called humans living through them. Amidst the whispers of the autumn wind, I once again strongly affirmed that this existence, in the midst of God's life, is the most magnificent of all.