I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi


If this Earth perishes, how can you build your own future and the future happiness of your family? The visible world and the invisible world are brimming over with conditions that could destroy the Earth, not only through wars, but also through calamities and natural disasters. Right now, we must live wholly within the spirit of prayer for world peace. If you want your own way, if you want to amuse yourself, if you want to be greedy, set these things aside for another day. Now—right now—pray, and pray, and pray for world peace. Prayer is not seen with the eyes. That is why people who have awakened to their spirituality must go first, filling every corner of their life with prayer. Through their actions, their way of life, and their personality, others will awaken, too.

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition) Compiled by Hideo Takahashi https://amzn.to/49STDFG

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)Kindle Compiled by Hideo Takahashi
