God and Man ~Guideposts for Spiritual Peace and Awakening
ー Written by Masahisa Goi
Chapter 5⑤: How to Overcome Karma
Guardian Spirits, who are able to work through three worlds (spiritual, subconscious, and physical) are modifying the effects of a person's unharmonious thoughts. In other words, they are improving the person's destiny (future life), which is now being formed in the subconscious world, or else which has already been formed and is due to manifest itself naturally in this physical world in the course of time. The Guardian Spirits are using all possible means to prevent the results (karma) of those unharmonious thoughts from manifesting themselves.
The people who know about or feel this work of the Guardian Spirits are very few, and most are totally unaware of the support that they are receiving from behind the scenes. Even so, the Guardian Spirits continue in earnestly exerting all their efforts to correct the future destinies of those people. This is what is known as the deeds of the Bodhisattvas.(※13)
Guardian Spirits correct a person's destiny in various ways. For example, a person who was scheduled to take a train that would overturn missed the train because he forgot something, thus escaping a life-threatening crisis. In this case, thoughts from his Guardian Spirits worked on the person's physical brain, causing him to forget something by holding back the functioning of his brain for a moment.
There are also cases where Guardian Spirits make use of other people to rescue the person whom they are guarding.
For example, a person suddenly feels an urge to visit his friend 'A.' Although he has no particular business with 'A,' he goes to see him with the feeling that there is an urgent matter at hand. Then, the person finds that 'A's entire family is about to commit suicide due to the failure of the family business. Dismayed by this, the person promptly helps his friend 'A.'
What happened was that 'A's Guardian Spirits had sent thoughts to a friend of 'A's who had a wavelength compatible with that of 'A, attracting him to 'A's house. 'A's Guardian Spirits clearly knew that this friend would rescue 'A.'
Such things as in these two examples are always happening in the lives of human beings.
Guardian Spirits continue to protect the human being whom they guard at all times throughout the night and day, whether one is awake or sleeping, working or resting. They untiringly endeavor to purify the disharmonious thoughts that the person has accumulated. However, the way in which they rescue a person in this physical world is to let the person try his or her best, and acquire as much experience as possible. Then they rescue the person at the last moment.
Here, the point that we have to consider seriously is that the Guardian Spirits can most easily protect a person who always directs his or her thoughts to them.
There are no physical beings as easy for Guardian Spirits to protect as those who know the importance of their Guardian Spirits and who always thank them. For this, it is not necessary for people to know the names their Guardian Spirits had when they lived in this physical world.
On the other hand, when the Guardian Spirits earnestly send purifying thoughts to one's physical body, if one's thoughts are not even slightly attuned to one's Guardian Spirits, it is very difficult for them to protect the person. In such a case, the best they can do is to erase, as dreams, the accumulated disharmonious thoughts (karmic casualties) as they arise from one occasion to the next. They do this by erasing those thoughts from the physical brain, after the person has entered the world of sleep.
To protect this kind of person, whenever they can, the Guardian Spirits transmit thoughts to other people, and have those people provide warnings or assistance. When this happens, the other party has to have had a close relationship with the person in previous lifetimes. Or, the Guardian Spirits of both parties have to have had a close relationship in the past.
At times, though, the human being receiving protection is so deeply engulfed in karma that the light of the individual spirit is almost completely covered by illusions (darkness). Even though the Guardian Spirits put forth all their power to purify the illusions or take other actions, their light cannot penetrate the karma. When this occurs, they have no other choice but to ask the Guardian Divinity to rescue the person.
The Guardian Divinity then complies with the request and radiates a great divine light to the physical human being. This light pierces through the swirls of karma and reaches the individual spirit, increasing the power of the spirit's light. At this moment an interest in religion or spiritual matters somehow surges forth in the mind (brain) of this human being. This interest might be motivated only by a desire for personal gain, but that is all right. For this person, to have such a feeling is a step forward.
At this moment, the Guardian Spirits guide the person to a faith suitable to him or her without letting the opportunity go by.
In some cases, one might be transferred all at once to the subconscious world by the light of one's Guardian Divinity. In other words, one might suddenly die. This is done because this will be more favorable for the progress of that human being.
As can be seen from the above, Guardian Spirits become one with physical human beings and keep leading them toward the best path for them.
If human beings wish to improve their destiny and become happy, what they need to do is simply to entrust their destiny to their Guardian Spirits.
One ought to always feel appreciative, thinking 'Thank you, Guardian Spirits. Thank you, Guardian Divinity. Thank you, God.' This state of mind is complete entrustment to God, and it is the best way for letting one's Guardian Spirits work to the fullest.
If one maintains this state of mind, it is quite certain that one's behavior will naturally become harmonious and well-ordered, and one's life will become easier and more enjoyable. The reason is that those feelings of gratitude directly connect the person with his or her Guardian Spirits and Guardian Divinity, and through this connection and the resultant light, one can break away from the karmic whirlpool of cause and effect before one is even aware of it. The original light of the individual spirit connects with the Direct Spirit, so that one truly feels and experiences the parent child relationship that exists between human beings and God-even while one still has one's physical body.
※13: Sanskrit.A Bodhisattva is one who is born into this world having made a vow to work for the deliverance of others. In Japanese, Bodhisattva is called Bosatsu(菩薩).
To be continued in Chapter 5⑥
Dios y el Ser Humano (Spanish Edition)
Deus e o Homem (Portuguese Edition)