God and Man ~Guideposts for Spiritual Peace and Awakening
ー Written by Masahisa Goi
Chapter 5③: How to Overcome Karma
It seems that, in general, a human being is thought of as having only one mind. Actually, though, a human being has seven minds. To begin with, there is the mind of the great God of the Universe. Next, there is the mind of the Direct Spirit of God (God in the human world). Then there is the mind of the individual spirit. Next there is the mind of the subconscious body, and then the mind of the physical body. Additionally, there is the mind of the Guardian Divinity, who ranks at the same level as the 'Direct Spirit' of God. Finally, there is the mind of the Guardian Spirit who always accompanies each individual.
Being attuned to one's Guardian Spirits is the same as being attuned to God, and this attunement greatly promotes a person's progress. However, up to now the people who have known about this have been very few indeed. It is very difficult for a human being to progress only through psychological analysis or by applying the law of thought.
Furthermore, it requires considerable effort for a person to become truly attuned to God in this world, where most people live only by the physical ego, without thinking of God, to say nothing of psychological analysis or the law of thought.
Everyone works and makes efforts, wishing to be happy. Even so, not everyone is able to be happy. The secret to becoming happy is to become faithful not to a physical human being, but to truth. In other words, it is to become faithful to God. However, since the term 'God' may seem somewhat far away and difficult to grasp, I advise people to become faithful to their Guardian Spirits.
In most cases, one's Guardian Spirits are the spirits of one's ancestors. Your own spiritual grandfathers and grandmothers are presently behind you, and with their spiritual eyes and ears they foresee what awaits you. They are always guiding you away from a dark path, toward a bright one.
This is just the same as when the parents of a small child hold its hand, leading the child this way or that. However, physical parents do not know their child's future, not even one minute from now. On the other hand, one's Guardian Spirits know very well what events will occur in their descendant's future, and they are always working to guide him or her toward greater and greater happiness.
The future circumstances of an individual are formed through the following process. First, each person's thoughts are recorded in his or her subconscious body. Then the various substances needed for projecting the recorded thoughts into the physical world are naturally arranged, tentatively constructing an initial pattern in the subconscious world. In due course of time, the pattern formed in the subconscious world will surface in one's actual physical environment, triggered by the person's thoughts in the physical world, which act as an indirect cause.
If there were no adjustment made by the Guardian Spirits, the mistakes in one's thoughts would become manifest, just as they are, in one's circumstances in the present world. If not for the work of the Guardian Spirits, each person's environment in this phenomenal world would become an exact replica of what the person had thought.
In other words, people who have pure thoughts would manifest pure surroundings. People who have unclean thoughts would manifest unclean surroundings. Those whose thoughts are filled with hatred would manifest a world filled with hatred. Those who have thoughts of stealing would manifest a world in which they steal and are stolen from. Those who have lonely thoughts would manifest lonely surroundings in their future. This is the law of karma.
However, the thoughts I have referred to here are not from one lifetime, lasting only fifty or sixty years in this physical world. They are thoughts that have accumulated through many lifetimes, perhaps three, five, ten, or more, covering a period of several hundred years, several thousand years, or tens of thousands of years. Those accumulated thoughts become manifest in this world, turning successively into indirect causes ('triggers'), then into effects, then again into new causes, which touch against other indirect causes, and produce other new effects.
There are people who think that their thoughts are only those conceived in the mind of their present physical body during the past forty or fifty years, and they say 'I have not thought such bad things, yet only bad things seem to happen to me!'
Other people say 'I am always thinking that I would like to get married, but I still have not been able to do so. So it is not true that there is a law of the mind, that things will turn out as one thinks.'
As long as one judges only from the thoughts conceived in the present physical world, one cannot readily nod in agreement. However, this law is an absolute law, the same as the laws of nature, like the laws of gravity or electric currents.
What one thinks will become manifest without fail. Simply by knowing this law, one can make more rapid progress than can someone who does not know it, and it will be easier to improve one's direction in life. However, if this law is wrongly applied, one may instead hurt oneself and others.
What one has thought will surely manifest itself. There are people who misunderstand these words, thinking that if they are fearful, what they fear is sure to take place, just as the law of thought states. Thus, their knowing the law has worked against them, and they continue to fear day and night, thinking that all that they fear will come to them.
One person was always worried about others and earnestly took care of them, and was poor all the time because of it. Another person lectured him about that, saying 'It is because you have a subconscious desire to be poor that you are always poor! Instead, envision yourself as rich! Because you have a desire to be poor, only poor people get together around you.' After being lectured in this way, the charitable person began to have grave doubts about doing good things for others, and since then his charitable actions have been hindered.
As can be seen in these examples, if one thinks of or preaches only the law of thought (cause and effect), it is liable to bring about some really erroneous and adverse effects.
If one says or thinks such things as 'Because he (or I) had that kind of mentality, it has come to this!' and then forms fixed ideas about oneself and others and the harmful causes in people's minds whenever the situation looks bad, one's life will become quite barren of love and compassion.
To hurt oneself and others through a knowledge of the law of thought comes from ignorance of the true nature of God.
To be continued in Chapter 5④
Dios y el Ser Humano (Spanish Edition)
Deus e o Homem (Portuguese Edition)