I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi

Even if you have become one with your inner, divine self, it is not the end of the road. Divinity is infinite progress. The state of Kuu or ‘Emptiness’ that you have attained will become deeper and deeper, and your wisdom will increase in radiance. The way I was in my thirties, just after attaining oneness with my divine self, was different from the way I was in my forties. The way I was after I became one with the five saints* was different from my present self. I make progress from day to day and moment to moment. With each day and each moment, my existence becomes bigger and vaster. I myself don’t know how much I will grow in the future. So, there is nothing surprising about other people not being able to understand me. When people find that they can easily assess themselves, it just means that they do not understand themselves deeply.

 * Masahisa Goi’s experience of becoming one with five great saints who are working in unison to guide the world to peace is described in his autobiography, One Who Unites Heaven and Earth. 

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)Kindle
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi
