God and Man ~Guideposts for Spiritual Peace and Awakening
 ー Written by Masahisa Goi

Chapter 3①: Real World, Spiritual World, Subconscious and Physical Worlds

 In the previous chapter, I have explained the nature of human beings in general and somewhat abstract terms. In this chapter, I would like to describe in further detail what a human being is.

  Some theologians advocate the theory that human beings are karma-created beings, or the ‘cause and effect’ theory, saying that human beings can never escape from the world of cause and effect. 

However, I would like to clearly declare here that human beings are not originally karma-created. 

If they were karmic creations, they would have to reincarnate forever and continually experience lives of hardship mixed with pleasure—nay, lives of much hardship with little pleasure—and would never rise above them. 

If this were true, to be born as a human being in this world would be very unfortunate, and the existence of God would lose all value.

  It does appear that the phenomenal world is surely being moved by the law of cause and effect. However, when we think of the deep and irresistible longing for God that flows in the depths of the human mind, we cannot help seeing the bright light within the true nature of human beings. 

I have deeply pursued the spirituality of human beings and have known through real experience the oneness of human beings with God: 

that they are children of God, and are even God Itself. 

Now I would like to describe the origin of human beings, which I have been able to realize through oneness with God.

  A human being is originally light that comes forth from God. 

Light is Mind. 

God is all of everything: 

infinite wisdom, infinite love and infinite life. However, if God moves just as it is, nothing will appear in the world of forms and shapes. 

If infinity were to move just as it is, infinity would be forever infinity and would never become finite. However actively one [1] moves, it still remains one [1]. 

Unless infinity becomes a number of finites, or unless one divides itself into two and then four, the world of forms and shapes cannot be created.

  At a certain time, God, who is light itself, suddenly radiated a great variety of individually distinct rays that had been previously kept unified. 

From that time forward, the creative activities of God began. 

First, God divided Itself into Heaven and Earth. 

Certain rays called the Sea Divinity, the Mountain Divinity and the Tree Divinity created the world of nature and set its life-activities into motion. 

Other rays created the animal world. 

And the remaining rays, called ‘Direct Spirits,’(※4) created the human world (refer to Figure 1).

  Here God is One, and at the same time, many.

  Now, this Direct Spirit, which is a ray of divine light, is the original ‘human being,’ or ‘man,’ that I have been writing about. 

At this stage, the first karmic cause has not yet appeared. 

 These Direct Spirits moved and radiated various waves of rays, creating the spiritual world and giving form to individual spirits.(※5) 

Each individual spirit exerted creative power through the rays (mind) given by the Direct Spirit, and created the subconscious and physical worlds. 

At a certain time, they lived in the subconscious world, clothed only in the garment called the subconscious body. 

Then at a given time, they became engaged in the creative activity of the physical world, clothed in the garment called the physical body over the subconscious body. 

Metaphorically speaking, if the spiritual body is the interior, or the ‘body,’ the subconscious (ethereal) body is the first layer of clothing, or the ‘shirt,’ and the physical body is the ‘jacket,’ or the heavier garment. 

These three embodiments are composed of vibrations of light.

  As for the physical body, its light waves are very rough, its flowing speed is slow and its waves are heavy. 

The individual spirit is exquisitely fine light with a vibration that originally enabled it to move freely. 

However, while moving to and from the physical world, it unknowingly assimilated with the slow movement of the physical body, and gradually lost its fineness. 

Each of the individual spirits, who had initially created the physical world and who were engaged in the activity of forming the creation of God there, fell into the pupal stage, like the silkworm who weaves a cocoon and confines itself in it, and gradually its wave of light became impure. 

This is the same principle as the clearness of a rapid river and the impureness of a slow-moving stream.

  The individual spirits then began to neglect directing their thoughts to the Direct Spirits, their parents, and started to engage in an easier creative activity by placing emphasis on waves of light (thoughts) that had accumulated in their subconscious and physical embodiments up until then. 

At that point, human beings began to restrict themselves, placing their attention mainly on life in the physical world. 

However, the thoughts, or vibrations of light, that were generated by the individual spirits when they started their creative activities were the original cause and effect (true good) that came from God. 

Thoughts that were conceived later, starting from the time when the individual spirits began to restrict themselves to the physical world, formed the first karmic causes. 

So began the tragedy of humankind.

  In other words, to free themselves from limitation, each of the individual spirits, who had restricted themselves, tried to take freedom away from others. 

Instead of seeking from the Direct Spirits, who are vertically linked to them in parent-child relationships, they started to take from other individual spirits, who are horizontally linked to them as brothers and sisters. 

That is, they started to take from the horizontal rather than from the vertical plane. 

They began the history of struggle, using thoughts (knowledge) that had accumulated in their subconscious and physical consciousness, along with their physical strength, to fight against one another.

  Occasionally, however, from the physical bodies in which they had confined themselves and are now still confined, they glimpsed through a gap the face of God and saw God’s light.

 Then they cried out in prayer to the Direct Spirits for help, finding their former light among the accumulated thoughts. 

This was the beginning of the religious mind. The relationships mentioned above will be explained in illustrations.

※4: The term used is chokurei (直霊). Choku (直) means 'direct' and rei (霊) means 'spirit.' Chokurei is the light em­anating directly from God to form the origin of humanity. Chokurei could be translated as 'God in the human world,' 'Direct Spirit,' or 'Divine Self.' (Refer to Figures 1 and 2 in Chapter 3.)

※5: The term used is bunrei (分霊). Bun (分) means 'divide' or 'division,' and rei (霊)  means  'spirit.'  Bunrei  means  'divided spirit,' 'division of God,' or 'spirit emanating from the Direct Spirit of God.'

To be continued in Chapter 3②

書籍 「神と人間」 五井 昌久 著

God and Man (English Edition)

Dios y el Ser Humano (Spanish Edition) 

Deus e o Homem (Portuguese Edition)

Gott und Mensch (German Edition) 

kaa Mí Gàp Má-Nóot(タイ語)
