God and Man ~Guideposts for Spiritual Peace and Awakening / Written by Masahisa Goi
Chapter 1: For the Future of Humanity
Since human beings first appeared on earth, how many times have the stars circled round in the heavens? How many times have the first frosts of winter settled on the land? In thinking of this, we can start to imagine how long mankind has been dreaming of, seeking, and earnestly desiring complete peace—a world without fighting or fear; a truly joyful world with no sorrow, no poverty, no disease and no separations.
From generation to generation, these desires have fostered the appearance of many saints such as Sakyamuni,(※3) Jesus Christ and Mohammed. They have allowed artists to leave their names with us, and have shown us a vast array of thinkers, politicians, scholars and inventors, working through vertical and horizontal planes and in every field imaginable. By now, it would seem that every flower of culture and civilization must have bloomed, and that every fountain of thought must surely have been exhausted.
Yet, even having reached such an age of culture and civilization, people in this present world are still far from complete peace, and are gasping under precarious living conditions with fighting, fear, sorrow, ageing and illness, poverty, hardship and separation. How can this be? In terms of outward appearances, clearly, the difference between modern and ancient times is like the gap between heaven and earth. The advancement of material culture has brought extreme conveniences to our modern-day life. If we looked only at these conveniences, it would seem that people today ought to feel happy, as if living in heaven. Yet what is the actual situation? Certainly, the progress in our living conditions has made it easier for us to get things done at the material level, and has given us some sense of comfort. Yet this sense of comfort cannot give us the power to resolve the anxieties of mankind. Though different in style, people today are fundamentally no different from people in non-civilized times, in that they are continually experiencing feelings of instability that could lead to collapse at any moment.
Why is it that today’s lifestyle, with gas, electricity, running water, trains, cars and airplanes, where people can attain almost anything they wish for with the power of money, leaves them just as mentally insecure as they were in non-civilized times? It is because in the present age, as in ancient times, people’s lifestyles do not rest on a firm foundation. People feel vulnerable, threatened by crisis situations that could bring destruction in a moment, even tomorrow. No matter how much the superficial standard of living might improve, unless we resolve such problems as warfare, natural disasters, the suffering of illness, the inequalities of life—and the most fundamental one, which is the fear of the death of the physical body—humanity will not find happiness.
Will it ever be possible to extinguish such miseries as warfare, natural disasters, the pain of illness and the agony of death? To this I reply Yes, it is possible. The great ones of old, Sakyamuni and Jesus Christ, overcame these hardships, and they taught and guided their disciples through their own experiences. Their disciples conveyed those teachings verbally and in writing, resulting in the Buddhist Sutras and the Bible. These have provided light and guidance to people’s hearts up to the present time. Whether it be the Sutras or the Bible, both inscribe the principles for delivering humanity of its suffering and illusion. If all human beings were to perform such actions as are taught therein, it is certain that heaven would manifest itself on earth. Unfortunately, though, people have used those scriptures merely as mental and spiritual food without putting them into practice. In other words, the majority of mankind could not understand the true intention of the two saints. Nonetheless, the influences they exerted have taken deep root in people’s hearts, gradually turning into a powerful light that is about to reveal itself on the surface.
Now, the karma of humankind is about to disintegrate on a grand scale and the light of truth is about to shine brilliantly. ‘Those who connect with truth will remain, and those who do not will go to ruin.’ Before these words of a saint can come true, I shall describe in as much detail as possible the relationship between God and human beings, spirits, subconscious and physical elements, and life before birth and after death. I shall also write about how human beings can best live, and offer guidance on how they can discover a truly happy way of life.
※3. Sakyamuni (釈迦牟尼) refers to the saint whose teachings formed the basis of Buddhism. The spelling ‘Shakamuni’ is also commonly used. ‘Gautama’ and ‘Shakuson’ also refer to Sakyamuni.
Spirit Light Photograph

This photograph was taken by me, capturing Master Goi standing in front of my house, with only his light body, not his physical body, appearing in the image.
This light body is seen as three circles representing the spiritual, astral, and physical bodies. The central light is the spiritual body. From here, light waves emanate to form the astral and physical bodies, as Master Goi explained.
According to viewers, some see Master Goi's figure within the circle of light, while others see the figure of Kannon Bodhisattva.
(Photographer: Shigemitsu Shimada, Hirata, Ichikawa City)
Dios y el Ser Humano (Spanish Edition)
Deus e o Homem (Portuguese Edition)