God and Man ~Guideposts for Spiritual Peace and Awakening / Written by Masahisa Goi
My life blazed
With the desire
To serve as a thread
Joining Heaven with Earth.
Throughout my life, this was my heartfelt longing: to play even one role in bringing the ideals of heaven into fruition on earth, revealing the pure land of heaven and letting perfect peace and joyfulness be realized in this terrestrial world.
This desire was transformed into prayer and action as the flame of my life continued to burn.
While thinking only of God,
Even my joined hands
Vanished in prayer,
Leaving only the blue sky
As I expressed through this song, my mind moved more deeply and quietly toward perfect trust in God. Then,
Where the vibrations of Heaven and Earth
United, and became
The roaring of the sea,
The sun rose.
And so I reached a harmonious state of mind where I experienced heaven becoming one with earth and myself becoming one with God. I entered the reality of Kuu(※1), and was reborn as one who could relinquish everything and attain all.
That was at a time when, here on earth, hidden karmic(※2) causes had been triggered, erupting in the violence of World War II and leading to the defeat of Japan and the cold war, which seemed to be beckoning a third World War. This is how humanity had been—and still is—drifting gradually toward destruction.
What will become of the world? Are the days of the last judgment at hand as the Bible prophesies? Is the end approaching for the majority of mankind?
Faced with the karmic fires which push and rage in societies, nations, and the world, are our individual desires for harmony of no use? Are the world’s ideologies for peace without meaning? Will heaven rescue humanity in the end? Frightened by these uncertainties, the world is unable to embrace hope for tomorrow and everyone feels lost, not knowing where to turn.
At this crucial time, I believe that if humanity can understand its true identity and connect with God, it can rise above this uneasiness and confusion to reach true spiritual peace and awakening, and eventually bring about peace in the world. I wrote this book with the intention of explaining, in the most understandable way, about God, spirit, human beings, karma, and cause and effect.
I believe that even those who have no knowledge of me at all, as well as those who are already acquainted with me, will be able to understand the message in this book.
Masahisa Goi
March 1953
※1. Kuu (空) is sometimes translated as ‘stillness,’ ‘emptiness’ or ‘nothingness.’ Masahisa Goi explains: Kuu is not a nihilistic or negative condition. It contains nothing, yet everything. It is the infiniteness of life itself—divinity itself—living vibrantly.
※2. Here, ‘karmic’ refers to disharmonious vibrations that have accumulated in the world through cycles of cause and effect. Refer to Chapters 3-5.
About the Author
Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1916, Masahisa Goi was a poet, philosopher, writer and singer. Though he aimed at a career in music, he found himself spontaneously drawn to the realms of philosophy and spiritual guidance. At the age of thirty he attained oneness with his divine Self.
Mr. Goi authored more than 60 books and volumes of poetry, including God and Man (his first and most fundamental work), The Spirit of Lao Tsu, Essays on the Bible, How to Develop Your Spirituality, The Way to the White Light, One Who Unites Heaven and Earth (his autobiography), and The Future of Mankind—to name a few. Of these, God and Man, One Who Unites Heaven and Earth, The Spirit of Lao Tsu, and The Future of Mankind have been published in English, along with I Heard It Like This, a collection of Masahisa Goi’s wisdom compiled by Hideo Takahashi. Translations of other works are now in progress.
Before departing from this world in 1980, he named Mrs. Masami Saionji, his adopted daughter, as his successor and leader of the world peace prayer movement that he initiated.
Dios y el Ser Humano (Spanish Edition)
Deus e o Homem (Portuguese Edition)