I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi
Please be a deeply thoughtful, gentle, and warmhearted person. Please be one who does not give pain to another’s heart. When others simply sit facing you and feel warmth and brightness, even when no words are spoken, then you are the kind of person that I would like for you to be. Even if someone tries to work against you, harm you, or even kill you, it is never all right for you to wound or give pain to their heart. This is because you and others are, in truth, one life and one being.
■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi
■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)Kindle
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi