I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi

 I do not like to say nebulous things, such as ‘I suppose this will do,’ or ‘We might make it in time.’ I am never satisfied unless I have a clear perspective, and can definitely see that things are going to be all right. I never feel easy unless I am on time, with a little time to spare. When I arrange to meet people, I always allow myself an extra ten or twenty minutes, so that I can arrive a little bit ahead of time.

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi

■I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi (English Edition)Kindle
Compiled by Hideo Takahashi
